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Wonderful to meet  YOU ! At Vegetarian Detective, I share with you some of my favourite veggie, vegan and raw recipes. I know you’ve noticed that eating meat-free is a popular trend everywhere. Even going veggie just once a week. There are many reasons why. This is how. You're also invited to get to know me (Cynthia's favourite character) better by reading the mystery novels I'm in: A Purse to Die For and A Killer Necklace . Yours, Becki Green (Vegetarian Detective)
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#260 The Case of Raspberry Jam

L et's talk sugar. It's obvious we don't want to consume a lot of it. But conscientious consumption does add joy!   Speaking of conscientiousness, pure vegans choose organic sugar when a recipe calls for white sugar because regular sugar is widely filtered through animal bone char. Nevertheless, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the largest animal rights organization in the world, says on their website, "Don’t stress too hard about sugar if you’re unsure about how it was produced. You’re saving more than 100 animals per year by following a vegan lifestyle, and the effect will snowball as people around you, inspired by your choices, may start trying vegan meals once you’ve shown them how easy it can be."   Raspberry Jam 5 pints raspberries 1 57g-pack pectin 7 cups sugar Wash 4 500-ml canning jars and lids in hot, soapy water and dry. Place the jars, upright, in a cold oven and heat to 225ºF. Leave for 30 min. Boil the lids and a knif