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Welcome Foodies!

Wonderful to meet  YOU ! At Vegetarian Detective, I share with you some of my favourite veggie, vegan and raw recipes. I know you’ve noticed that eating meat-free is a popular trend everywhere. Even going veggie just once a week. There are many reasons why. This is how. You're also invited to get to know me (Cynthia's favourite character) better by reading the mystery novels I'm in: A Purse to Die For and A Killer Necklace . Yours, Becki Green (Vegetarian Detective)
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#264 The Case of Sangria sans Alcohol

lemon (end cut and 1 slice) several tablespoons sugar in a bowl wide enough to fit the rim of a fancy glass 3 ice cubes 1/3 cup grape juice 1/3 cup fresh orange juice   Make a slit across the flesh of the lemon end cut. Slide the edge of a fancy glass into the cut, squeeze gently and twirl the glass to coat the entire rim in lemon juice.   Immediately, dip the rim in the sugar, turn and continue to dip until the entire rim is sugared. Drop the ice cubes into a shaker.   Add the grape juice, orange juice and a generous squeeze of juice from the end of the lemon, cover and shake.   Pour into the sugared glass and drop in the lemon slice.   Cheers!   Serves 1.   ♥ Becki