You know, a character like me doesn't have a whole heck of a lot of say in what her author decides to write about her. Take HIDE AND SEEK FOR GROWN-UPS for example. Cynthia St-Pierre didn't go all 50 shades in the short mystery story she wrote about me for Over My Dead Body! mystery magazine online, but I have to admit the 1 shade she did go makes me blush.
What are my customers going to think? Keep in mind, Black Currant Bay citizens are a conservative bunch. And they're already wary of me: an outsider, a designer, a VEGETARIAN!
Click on the image above to read the story (it's totally free to the public...including all the police officers who serve under my husband) and let me know what you think.
♥ Becki
PS Here are the A PURSE TO DIE FOR 99¢ pre-order links.
PPS Happy Halloween!
PPPS (Ha!) To leave me (and Cynthia) a message, click on the comment button below.
PPS Happy Halloween!
PPPS (Ha!) To leave me (and Cynthia) a message, click on the comment button below.
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